We like to think of ourselves as ‘The little Meeting that could’.

On any given First Day (Sunday), you will find between four and twenty people at meeting, consisting of visitors, attendee’s and members. We are small and powerful, with very active committees such as Peace and Social Action and Ministry and Counsel.
Upcoming Events:
We continued to have Meeting for Worship in the Meeting House during most of the COVID-19 pandemic, since we are small enough and the Meetinghouse is large enough that we are able to maintain social distancing. Masks are now optional. During good weather we will meet outside.
We wish that all F/friends stay safe and well. Let us all hold each other in the Light.
Here are the dates for upcoming events.
December 22 – Spirit of Christmas pot luck lunch. All are welcome.
January 5 – Breakfast forum, beginning at 9:30 AM with the topic of “State of the Meeting Report”. Light refreshments will be provided for Friends who want to share food. All are welcome.
January 12 – Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business.